GRETA Associati (Venice, Italy), CRIF (Bologna, Italy), European Datawarehouse (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), European Investment Fund (Luxembourg), Intesa Sanpaolo (Milan, Italy) and Modefinance (Trieste, Italy) are partners in organasing a Conference to be held in Venice on October 3-4, 2024.
The C.r.e.d.i.t. 2024 conference will bring together academics, practitioners and PhD students working in various areas of financial and socio-economic risk with the aim of creating a unique opportunity for participants to discuss research progress and policy as well as industry-relevant insights and directions for future research.
The conference, organised under the auspices of the Department of Economics and VERA – Venice centre in Economic and Risk Analytics for public policies (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), ABI – Italian Banking Association, AIAF – Associazione Italiana per l’Analisi Finanziaria and AIFIRM – Associazione Italiana Financial Industry Risk Managers, is the twenty-third of a series dedicated to various aspects of credit risk.